Humanizing technical topics

Okta is the leading independent provider of identity management solutions—but they face fierce competition from companies like Microsoft, RSA, and OneLogin.

I'm happy to speak to anyone about the life-changing powers of Quietly.

Dana Palmie
Senior Web Producer
In order to differentiate their brand, they partnered with Quietly to humanize their highly-technical business through compelling narratives, anchor their efforts in data, and drive organic search traffic.
Case in point: with our SEO strategy and data-driven content, Okta saw their organic blog traffic grow by nearly 50% in a single year.

Understand how content can power your business, develop a strategic plan to win, and execute with confidence.

Let's talk

By the numbers

While only 50% of Okta’s website users come from organic search, 82% of blog users arrive through organic search
in average monthly pageviews to their blog since beginning work with Quietly
in average monthly organic search sessions to the blog over the same time period