Ridiculous Things That Were Acceptable in the 60's

By Roslyn Kent

It's an understatement to say that society has changed over the last 50 years. We may have lost the ability to roam free safely as children, but there are some changes we should be very thankful for.

  • Asbestos Fever

    World demand for asbestos peaked in 1977, apparently–despite the first health warnings as early as 1897!  That means that the 60s was a pretty 'dusty' decade, to say the least. 

  • Drinking and Driving

    The fact that anyone could drink crazy amounts of alcohol and then drive home is almost unbelievable. Yet, people did it all the time. Heck, people probably got away with drinking while driving.

  • Littering

    You'd be driving down the highway, and you'd finish your soda. No garbage around? No worries! The ground was an acceptable place for garbage, so you'd just toss 'er out the window and c'est la vie!

  • Leaving Your Kids in the Car

    My mom used to get locked in the car with her sisters with a bag of Bugels while her parents went to the bar. With all the recent talk about leaving pets/kids in the car, it's crazy that this was ok.

  • Women Smoked and Drank While Pregnant

    Women smoked and drank all the time while they were pregnant - they didn't know any better! There was no shame in this, it was simply a normal thing to do.

  • Gross Waste of Fossil Fuels

    Gas mileage was atrocious, cars were heavy, and they were not built for efficiency or energy conservation. Single pained windows in Winnipeg's winter = immense heat wastage. 

  • You Could Smoke Anywhere

    And when I say anywhere, I really mean it. Hospitals, airplanes, schools, banks etc. I cannot imagine being stuck on a 10 hour flight with second hand smoke circulating in the cabin. 

  • No Seat Belts

    Kids would sit on their parents laps and flail in the back of the car and hop from seat to seat to seat. Well, maybe it wasn't quite like that, but people certainly didn't wear seat belts. 

  • Relaxed Motorcycle Licences

    According to my step dad, if you wanted to get your motorcycle licence, all you had to do was drive the bike around the block. If you made it back in one piece, ta-da! You received your lisence.

  • Getting the Strap

    Apparently child abuse wasn't really a thing in the 60's. Getting the strap to your hand for misbehaving at school was completely acceptable. If you were really bad, you might've even gotten the cane.

  • Pets Roamed Free

    There was no need to licence your pet or dog. If you had one, you probably had multiple, and chances are they all roamed free without question. Watch your feet! No one picked up dog poop either.

  • No Bike Helmets

    Today, you can get a hefty ticket for not wearing a bike helmet on the road. Back then? No one could force you to put a protective piece of plastic on your head if you didn't want to.

  • Racial Slurs Were Common

    Candies, restaurants & even nuts were given derogatory racial slurs. When we think back now, we cringe at the thought of using such terms, which is evidence for how much racial equality has improved.

  • No Occupational Health and Safety Standards

    Construction workers would jack hammer without ear protection and they'd climb up onto buildings without fall arrest. Crazy!

  • Led Fuel, Paint and Pencils

    Led seemed to be in everything, and the toxicity of it somehow didn't seem to phase those who used the commodities that were filled with it. Would you chew on a led filled pencil during an exam today?

  • Hockey Players (and Goalies) Without Helmets/Masks

    Imagine standing in front of the goal with a player coming straight for you with possession of the puck. Its a breakaway, and your face is fully exposed. The odds are unfortunately not in your favor.