6 Ways to Inspire Content from These Sources

By Emily E. Steck

Spacing on new content ideas? Need to feel inspired. Here are six ideas and places to look to jump start content.

  • Dissect Current Trends

    Read everything that is published about your industry. Agree, disagree, take no side—just write about it. Predict future trends, discuss why past ones have failed. Write longer posts.

  • Multimedia Content

    Mix it up. Create more visual content by using internet favorite gifs, emojis or Quietly lists or videos that explain things. It offers more exposure and the chance to be creative.

  • Ask A Business Partner

    Ask someone who works in a business that works closely with yours for an interview or the chance to write a guest post. It offers another perspective.

  • Look to Aggregate Sites

    Sites like Reddit, Pinterest & Tumblr have users find great content and post/pin/reblog them. Look in those subreddits, searches, pins and tags for inspiration. 

  • Find an Expert

    Be bold; reach out to an expert journalist, blogger, business owner or editor that covers the industry on social media. Ask for their opinion. Even a Twitter reply can be construed as an interview.

  • Use Your Network

    Reach out to coworkers, business friends, talented friends and anyone else in your network for ideas, interviews, collaboration. Two heads>one head.