6 Superfoods That Will Fight the Winter Blues

By BrazenWoman

Feeling the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder? Your diet just may need an overhaul.

  • Broccoli and Greens

    Green foods like broccoli are tasty, easy to use in so many recipes and full of health benefits like pre-Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and folate, nutrients that help our immune system fight infections.

  • Vitamin D

    Mackerel and mushrooms have Vitamin D, but it's hard to reach your daily recommended dosage through meals. So supplementing with vitamin D is almost universally recommended.

  • Omega-3 supplements

    While the “sunshine vitamin” (vitamin D) and light therapy help relieve Seasonal Affective Disorder, omega-3 fatty acids—particularly DHA—also support the maintenance of a more balanced mood.

  • Fish

    Fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and while it's not the heartiest option for cold winter nights, its health benefits are perfect for getting through the season.

  • Yogurt

    Third and fourth on Canadians’ preferred list of foods to combat the winter blues are yogurt and other fermented foods and milk. These are fantastic sources of probiotics and calcium.

  • Calcium Supplement

    With lower levels of vitamin D in winter, we absorb less calcium from our diet, weakening our bones. If you can't drink enough milk, supplement to ensure you're getting enough important nutrients.