What Conditions can Acupuncture Treat?

By SIT Acupuncture

Acupuncture is not just about pain relief. From infertility, depression and migraines to muscle spasms, colds and flu, acupuncture can be used to treat a variety of different conditions. In fact, any condition that you might see your family doctor for, acupuncture can provide a means of help. We have successfully treated the following common conditions at our [holistic acupuncture clinic in Toronto](http://www.sitacupuncture.ca/toronto-acupuncture/).

  • Arthritis


    While arthritis pain and inflammation cannot be avoided as the body ages, with the aid of acupuncture and traditional chinese medicine, patients can experience a decrease in pain and a noted improvement in function of arthritic joints.

  • Bladder Infections


    Acupuncture is minimally invasive and requires no post-treatment downtime. Acupuncture is not painful, and many find the treatments very restorative.  Acupuncture can relax the bladder and help control contraction of the bladder wall, reduce inflammation in the bladder, and reduce pain in the bladder.  

  • Menopause


    Acupuncture can help women suffering from the most common symptoms of menopause, by affecting the severity of hot flashes and relieving mood swings.  

  • Alzheimer's Disease


    Reviving and preventing further brain cell damage is the ultimate goal in [acupuncture treatment ](http://www.sitacupuncture.ca/our-approach/)of Alzheimer’s disease (and for all brain conditions, as a matter of fact).  Any obstruction or lack of blood supply in the brain will cause damage, deterioration and even atrophy in the brain cells. Blood is the carrier of all nutrients, antibodies and even toxins to feed, heal and damage cells in the body. Acupuncture works to improve overall health in the body, circulation up to the brain, and by stimulating the scalp: which can have positive effect's on the patient's memory, cognitive and motor skills.

  • Back Pain


    Acupuncture stimulates the central nervous system—the brain and spinal cord.  During the course of the acupuncture procedure, specific chemicals release into the body and start the flow of endorphins - the body's natural painkillers - affecting back pain and neck pain physically and psychologically.  

  • Migraines


    Acupuncture is used to effectively treat primary headaches, namely tension and migraine, which are the most common, by improving circulation and reducing tension.

  • Infertility


    Without risking any side effect from oral medication, herbs included, acupuncture treatment focuses on fixing the underlying problem by improving the flow of energy in the obstructed meridians. It’s a win-win situation: no drugs to harm our liver and kidneys AND pain-free menstruations plus normal ovulation.

  • Crohn's Disease


    Crohn’s disease is considered an autoimmune system disorder.  Acupuncture for Crohn's effectively controls the inflammatory responses of the bowel and eases intestinal inflammation.  

  • Endometriosis


    Endometriosis is a female health disorder that occurs when cells from the lining of the womb (uterus) grow in other areas of the body.  Chinese herbal medicine is used to balance hormonal levels and acupuncture is used to help the flow of blood and energy and to reduce symptoms like painful periods, and can usually successfully treat endometriosis

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)


    Acupuncture releases natural pain-relieving chemicals into the body, promoting circulation and balancing the nervous system.  It helps to reduce blockages along energy pathways into the body, called Meridians, improving the flow and reducing pain or discomfort.

  • Irregular Menstruation


    Acupuncture and herbal medicine treat effectively: painful menstruation, menstruation which is too little or too large in volume, menstruation which is either too early, too late, or which occurs at no fixed schedule, amenorrhea, PMS, lower abdominal pain, any endometriosis symptom and infertility. Most menstrual problems can be treated by Chinese medicine within three to six months.

  • Gout


    Gout is one of the most painful forms of arthritis. It occurs when too much uric acid builds up in the body causing pain and tenderness within joints.  Acupuncture can be used to relieve the pain and symptoms caused by gout, and can shorten the lengths of flare-ups.

  • S.I.T. Acupuncture


    Our [highly trained practitioners](http://www.sitacupuncture.ca/our-team/) have experience with acupuncture diagnosis, treating a variety of different conditions, and often at times, very difficult cases. Rather than just dealing with the obvious symptoms, the underlying problems are our main focus. Even with the same illness no two patients will manifest the same; thus, treatments must go accordingly. Your holistic acupuncture treatment with us is tailored just for you.  Trust our caring, skilled practitioners to deliver the most effective acupuncture treatments in the Toronto area.  [Contact us](http://www.sitacupuncture.ca/contact-us/) today for more information or to book an appointment.