5 Tips to Stay Sober After Rehab

By Teen Rehab

Going at it alone after rehab can be difficult, but it is possible to be successful in recovery. Here are five tips to be successful after rehab.

  • Support Group

    Have a support group, whether it’s family, friends or community members. Share your recovery plan with them, keep communication open and know they are always there to help.

  • Avoid Temptation

    Temptation comes in different forms for different people but triggers may include people, places and hobbies. Understand what temps you to use, and create a plan to stay clear of those triggers.

  • Calm Your Cravings

    Roughly 60 percent of people who go through treatment relapse at some point in their lives, but by understanding what your relapse signs are—restlessness, deteriorating relationships, irregular behavior—you can prevent yourself from falling into old habits.

  • Be Healthy

    Changing your lifestyle to include healthy eating, exercise, meditation or other mind-calming practices can help you keep a positive mindset and improve your overall health.

  • Be Patient

    It is important to have patience during your recovery. Recovery is a lifelong process and you should not expect to be fully recovered right away. Stick with your recovery plan and be patient and you will see results.