10 Things You Can Do Now to Help the Oceans

By Scuba Diver Life

Saving the ocean seems a daunting task, but you can help a great deal by changing some rather small things in your life.

  • Ditch the Disposable Lifestyle

    Water bottles, lunch bags, containers, shopping bags - all of these and more are often disposable.  Take a look at the items you commonly use and see if you can buy reusable replacements instead.  

  • Watch the Souveniers

    The coral may be beautiful, but it's better for all of us in the ocean than outside of it. For instance, don’t purchase items that incorporate any kind of coral, shark fins or teeth, or turtle shell. 

  • Skip the Sunscreen

    When on a diving trip, consider using clothing to cover your skin instead of sunscreen prior to or after your dives.  If that’s not feasible, find a sunscreen with ocean-safe ingredients.

  • Pick the Greener Cleaner

    Common cleaners can be switched to ones that are easier on the environment and save you money. Do some research on making your own laundry detergent, or the various ways to use vinegar to clean.

  • Clean up Your Act

    Participate in or organize local cleanups around rivers, lakes, or oceans.  Even when you're not in an official cleanup, get in the habit of picking up trash when you see it. Even on a dive!

  • Stop Using Plastic

    If you have the option of plastic or something else, consider using something else. Trade your plastic containers for glass, for instance. (and recycle the plastic ones!)

  • Be a Picky Eater

    Research where your food comes from and pick food sources that use eco-friendly farming or ranching methods.  When choosing seafood, eat only the seafood that's sustainable. [ Use this site as a guide.](http://www.seafoodwatch.org/)

  • Recycle/Reuse

    If you use any plastic, recycle it properly, and do the same with paper, aluminum, and glass.  Also, look into creative and useful ways to reuse items instead of just tossing them out.

  • Support the Best

    Offer your support, financial or otherwise, to the organizations of the world that do the best ocean conservation work. Share their information, donate funds, or pitch in when they need it most.

  • Educate Educate Educate

    The most important thing we can all do is educate others.  We only protect the things we care about, so help your friends and family to care about our oceans and then teach them how they can help too.