The Best 20 Hangover Cures On the Web

By BrazenWoman

Feeling so sick you're not sure last night was worth it? Follow these brilliant hangover cures—straight from our community—and you'll find Cheers! (and your body) alive and well this season.

  • Medicine

    Pop a pill or two before bed and you may just ward off that nasty headache. Opt for non-steroidal anti-inflammatories such as aspirin or ibuprofin, not acetaminophen which can be hard on the liver.

  • Sports Drinks

    You're dehydrated and that's why you feel so sick. Guzzling water is great but it's better to replenish electrolytes with sports drinks, fruit juice or popsicles.

  • Honey

    This is the time to satisfy your sweet tooth. The fructose in honey helps metabolize the alcohol. Spread some on your banana for a double dose of potassium or add it to tummy-soothing herbal tea.

  • Tomatoes or V8 Juice

    Tomatoes are known as the magic hangover cure. This fruit is mostly water, so it's rehydrating and packed with nutrients. To get it down more easily, down some V8 juice instead.

  • Black Coffee

    Caffeine dilates blood vessels and perks up brain function so it just may stop that infernal head pounding. But don't have too much or you'll wreak more havoc on your body.

  • Fried Eggs and Bacon

    Heading out for a diner brekkie (ulster fry, uevos rancheros) when you're hungover makes sense. The cysteine in eggs helps your liver deal with toxins, and fatty bacon will replace your lost salt.

  • Pretzels

    If it's really salty, it will help you replace sodium and any bland carb like pretzels, crackers or toast will bring your blood sugar back up.

  • Yoga

    Sweating it out can help you feel better if you go easy and remember to drink. Sports drinks are best because they rehydrate and contain electrolytes.

  • Peppermint Tea

    Herbal teas, especially peppermint, are known to settle the awful  stomach symptoms hangovers leave you with. Sip, settle and rehydrate.

  • Good Ol' Water

    Your body will crave lots of water. Add electrolytes in the form of sugar or salt, though. And don't forget to leave liquid on your nightstand before passing out because you may wake up parched.

  • Pickle Juice

    It may sound vile, but doing a shot of pickle juice before and after drinking will rehydrate your body and give it back much needed sodium.

  • Coconut Water

    Believe it or not, coconut water will replace your electrolytes at a speedy rate—even faster than sports drinks will. So stock up on this one.

  • Bananas

    Make like a monkey and consider bananas your best friend the day after (or just pop a potassium pill). You need to replace the electrolytes you peed out the night before.

  • Green Smoothies

    If you can't eat, sip a smoothie through a straw—but not before you toss in potassium-rich 'good foods' like spinach, avocado and/or kiwi.

  • Sleep, Sleep and More Sleep

    Sometimes all you can do is sleep it off. For headache relief, you may be wise to take meds (Advil, Ativan, Robaxacet, Vanquish?) before hitting the pillow.

  • Activated Charcoal

    Taking activated charcoal pills before bed can help sponge up the toxins in your system. Pro tip: Eating burnt toast the day after doesn't work.

  • Bloody Mary/Caesar

    This medicinal drink has ingredients you need to replenish your aching body: hydration, vitamin-rich tomatoes, salt. In case you need this one spelled out, Leave out the booze!

  • Hair of the Dog

    Hitting the bottle the day after will lessen the pain at first. But get ready to crash even harder. Sadly, returning to the hair of the dog that bit you will only delay the inevitable.

  • IV Drip

    If you've gone so far as to need this cure, we've got news for you. You need math class. Or better yet, you need someone else to count your shots next time.

  • Abstinence

    Never drink again and you'll never feel this pain. Gee, thanks for that.